The Governance for Growth (GfG) Program is a progam funded by the Australian Government to support the Government of Vanuatu across different ministries. The Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business (MTTCNVB) benefited from this program beginning from 2013.
The main Objective of the GfG program is to support the Vanuatu Government in ensuring effective implementation of the Trade Policy Framework (TPF). Since 2013, GfG has supported different recommendations of the TPF which includes the review of several policies of the Departments under the MTTCNVB (e.g. Industry Policy and Cooperatives Policy), as well as other reforms of the MTTCNVB. Some of the projects/activities under the GfG program include:
No. | Project Name |
1 | Drafting of the National Industry Development Strategy 2017-2022 |
3 | Development of the Made in Vanuatu Brand |
4 | Drafting of the National Cooperatives Policy 2017-2022 |
5 | Development of a National Quality and Standards Policy |
6 | Support to the Electronic Single Window System (ESWS) |
2 | Trade Policy Framework Update (TPFU) 2019-2025 |
During the starting of the program up until 2021, there is a total of 3 phases:
A work plan has been designed and approved for the current phase. It will support the following high level activities:
Out of the 4 high level activities, specific projects will be developed and specific amount of funds will be allocated out of the tranche released for that activity.
The GfG program focuses on reforms and governance projects. It does not cover equipments, machinery or buildings.
GfG funds can be accessed by all Departments and Agencies under the Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business (MTTCNVB).